- /**
- * @class SubtitleStreamController
- */
- import Event from '../events';
- import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
- import Decrypter from '../crypt/decrypter';
- import { BufferHelper } from '../utils/buffer-helper';
- import { findFragmentByPDT, findFragmentByPTS } from './fragment-finders';
- import { FragmentState } from './fragment-tracker';
- import BaseStreamController, { State } from './base-stream-controller';
- import { mergeSubtitlePlaylists } from './level-helper';
- const { performance } = window;
- const TICK_INTERVAL = 500; // how often to tick in ms
- export class SubtitleStreamController extends BaseStreamController {
- constructor (hls, fragmentTracker) {
- super(hls,
- Event.ERROR,
- this.fragmentTracker = fragmentTracker;
- this.config = hls.config;
- this.state = State.STOPPED;
- this.tracks = [];
- this.tracksBuffered = [];
- this.currentTrackId = -1;
- this.decrypter = new Decrypter(hls, hls.config);
- // lastAVStart stores the time in seconds for the start time of a level load
- this.lastAVStart = 0;
- this._onMediaSeeking = this.onMediaSeeking.bind(this);
- }
- startLoad () {
- this.stopLoad();
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- // Check if we already have a track with necessary details to load fragments
- const currentTrack = this.tracks[this.currentTrackId];
- if (currentTrack && currentTrack.details) {
- this.setInterval(TICK_INTERVAL);
- this.tick();
- }
- }
- onSubtitleFragProcessed (data) {
- const { frag, success } = data;
- this.fragPrevious = frag;
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- if (!success) {
- return;
- }
- const buffered = this.tracksBuffered[this.currentTrackId];
- if (!buffered) {
- return;
- }
- // Create/update a buffered array matching the interface used by BufferHelper.bufferedInfo
- // so we can re-use the logic used to detect how much have been buffered
- let timeRange;
- const fragStart = frag.start;
- for (let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) {
- if (fragStart >= buffered[i].start && fragStart <= buffered[i].end) {
- timeRange = buffered[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- const fragEnd = frag.start + frag.duration;
- if (timeRange) {
- timeRange.end = fragEnd;
- } else {
- timeRange = {
- start: fragStart,
- end: fragEnd
- };
- buffered.push(timeRange);
- }
- }
- onMediaAttached ({ media }) {
- = media;
- media.addEventListener('seeking', this._onMediaSeeking);
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- onMediaDetaching () {
- if (! {
- return;
- }
-'seeking', this._onMediaSeeking);
- this.fragmentTracker.removeAllFragments();
- this.currentTrackId = -1;
- this.tracks.forEach((track) => {
- this.tracksBuffered[] = [];
- });
- = null;
- this.state = State.STOPPED;
- }
- // If something goes wrong, proceed to next frag, if we were processing one.
- onError (data) {
- let frag = data.frag;
- // don't handle error not related to subtitle fragment
- if (!frag || frag.type !== 'subtitle') {
- return;
- }
- if (this.fragCurrent && this.fragCurrent.loader) {
- this.fragCurrent.loader.abort();
- }
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- // Got all new subtitle tracks.
- onSubtitleTracksUpdated (data) {
- logger.log('subtitle tracks updated');
- this.tracksBuffered = [];
- this.tracks = data.subtitleTracks;
- this.tracks.forEach((track) => {
- this.tracksBuffered[] = [];
- });
- }
- onSubtitleTrackSwitch (data) {
- this.currentTrackId =;
- if (!this.tracks || !this.tracks.length || this.currentTrackId === -1) {
- this.clearInterval();
- return;
- }
- // Check if track has the necessary details to load fragments
- const currentTrack = this.tracks[this.currentTrackId];
- if (currentTrack && currentTrack.details) {
- this.setInterval(TICK_INTERVAL);
- }
- }
- // Got a new set of subtitle fragments.
- onSubtitleTrackLoaded (data) {
- const { id, details } = data;
- const { currentTrackId, tracks } = this;
- const currentTrack = tracks[currentTrackId];
- if (id >= tracks.length || id !== currentTrackId || !currentTrack) {
- return;
- }
- if ( {
- mergeSubtitlePlaylists(currentTrack.details, details, this.lastAVStart);
- }
- currentTrack.details = details;
- this.setInterval(TICK_INTERVAL);
- }
- onKeyLoaded () {
- if (this.state === State.KEY_LOADING) {
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- }
- }
- onFragLoaded (data) {
- const fragCurrent = this.fragCurrent;
- const decryptData = data.frag.decryptdata;
- const fragLoaded = data.frag;
- const hls = this.hls;
- if (this.state === State.FRAG_LOADING &&
- fragCurrent &&
- data.frag.type === 'subtitle' &&
- === {
- // check to see if the payload needs to be decrypted
- if (data.payload.byteLength > 0 && (decryptData && decryptData.key && decryptData.method === 'AES-128')) {
- let startTime =;
- // decrypt the subtitles
- this.decrypter.decrypt(data.payload, decryptData.key.buffer, decryptData.iv.buffer, function (decryptedData) {
- let endTime =;
- hls.trigger(Event.FRAG_DECRYPTED, { frag: fragLoaded, payload: decryptedData, stats: { tstart: startTime, tdecrypt: endTime } });
- });
- }
- }
- }
- onLevelUpdated ({ details }) {
- const frags = details.fragments;
- this.lastAVStart = frags.length ? frags[0].start : 0;
- }
- doTick () {
- if (! {
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- return;
- }
- switch (this.state) {
- case State.IDLE: {
- const { config, currentTrackId, fragmentTracker, media, tracks } = this;
- if (!tracks || !tracks[currentTrackId] || !tracks[currentTrackId].details) {
- break;
- }
- const { maxBufferHole, maxFragLookUpTolerance } = config;
- const maxConfigBuffer = Math.min(config.maxBufferLength, config.maxMaxBufferLength);
- const bufferedInfo = BufferHelper.bufferedInfo(this._getBuffered(), media.currentTime, maxBufferHole);
- const { end: bufferEnd, len: bufferLen } = bufferedInfo;
- const trackDetails = tracks[currentTrackId].details;
- const fragments = trackDetails.fragments;
- const fragLen = fragments.length;
- const end = fragments[fragLen - 1].start + fragments[fragLen - 1].duration;
- if (bufferLen > maxConfigBuffer) {
- return;
- }
- let foundFrag;
- const fragPrevious = this.fragPrevious;
- if (bufferEnd < end) {
- if (fragPrevious && trackDetails.hasProgramDateTime) {
- foundFrag = findFragmentByPDT(fragments, fragPrevious.endProgramDateTime, maxFragLookUpTolerance);
- }
- if (!foundFrag) {
- foundFrag = findFragmentByPTS(fragPrevious, fragments, bufferEnd, maxFragLookUpTolerance);
- }
- } else {
- foundFrag = fragments[fragLen - 1];
- }
- if (foundFrag && foundFrag.encrypted) {
- logger.log(`Loading key for ${}`);
- this.state = State.KEY_LOADING;
- this.hls.trigger(Event.KEY_LOADING, { frag: foundFrag });
- } else if (foundFrag && fragmentTracker.getState(foundFrag) === FragmentState.NOT_LOADED) {
- // only load if fragment is not loaded
- this.fragCurrent = foundFrag;
- this.state = State.FRAG_LOADING;
- this.hls.trigger(Event.FRAG_LOADING, { frag: foundFrag });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- stopLoad () {
- this.lastAVStart = 0;
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- super.stopLoad();
- }
- _getBuffered () {
- return this.tracksBuffered[this.currentTrackId] || [];
- }
- onMediaSeeking () {
- if (this.fragCurrent) {
- const currentTime = ? : 0;
- const tolerance = this.config.maxFragLookUpTolerance;
- const fragStartOffset = this.fragCurrent.start - tolerance;
- const fragEndOffset = this.fragCurrent.start + this.fragCurrent.duration + tolerance;
- // check if position will be out of currently loaded frag range after seeking : if out, cancel frag load, if in, don't do anything
- if (currentTime < fragStartOffset || currentTime > fragEndOffset) {
- if (this.fragCurrent.loader) {
- this.fragCurrent.loader.abort();
- }
- this.fragmentTracker.removeFragment(this.fragCurrent);
- this.fragCurrent = null;
- this.fragPrevious = null;
- // switch to IDLE state to load new fragment
- this.state = State.IDLE;
- // speed up things
- this.tick();
- }
- }
- }
- }